Moon sign calculator

To calculate your moon sign, simply enter your date of birth, the hour
and minute you were born and the time zone in which you were born.

Your moon sign details


Moon Sign for

April 27, 2024 04:59 pm
London, England, United Kingdom


Moon Sign

Your Moon Sign is
Sagittarius at 20°57'20"



Moon is *not* Out-Of-Bounds
(declination 17° 07')


Sagittarius Moon sign report

Feeling alive and the freedom to follow wherever your heart wants to go is important to you. You crave adventure, exploration and discovery of the world and life.

What is a moon sign?

In astrology, the moon represents your inner world: your emotions and dreams, who you are when no one else is around. Your moon sign in your birth chart shows you what you need in life to feel safe and secure, and what you need to nurture and nourish in your world in order to feel at home in yourself, whole and complete.